Biotools for Comparative Microbial Genomics Wiki
use strict;
use Parallel::ChildManager;
use Digest::MD5;
use Getopt::Long;

my $scratch = "/tmp/pancoregenome.$$";
my $FORMATDB = '/usr/biotools/blast/bin/formatdb';
my $TIGRCUT = "/usr/biotools/indirect/tigrcut"; # puts 50% ALR and 50% cutoff identity on an XML output of blastall
my $BLASTALL = "/usr/biotools/blast/bin/blastall";
my $cache_source = "blastp-core+matrix";

my ($keep,$cpu,$clean,$cex);
&GetOptions (
# main options
 "keep:s"   , \$keep,       # keep temporary files in this dir ( TRY AND CREATED UNLESS EXIST )
 "cpu:s"   ,  \$cpu,        # number of CPUs - 5 is default
 "clean"  =>  \$clean ,      # wipe all existing results for this run
 "cex:s"     =>  \$cex  ,     # label scaling

$cex = 0.7 unless defined $cex;
$cpu = 1 unless defined $cpu;

mkdir $scratch unless -d $scratch;

# create config reading from stdin
my @config = parse_config ();

@config = prepare_fasta(@config);

# make blast databases

# make blast reports
my $cm = new ChildManager($cpu);


@config = core_genome ( @config ) ;
@config = pan_genome ( @config ) ;
@config = new_genes ( @config ) ;
@config = new_families ( @config ) ;

make_table ( @config ) ;


if ( defined ( $keep ) ) {
    system "mv $keep $keep.old_from_$$" if -e "$keep.old_from_$$";
    system "mv $scratch $keep";
    print STDERR "# kept temporary files in $keep\n";

cleanup ();

sub cleanup {
    system "rm -rf $scratch";

sub make_blastreports {
    my @config = @_;
    my %tab_h;
    foreach my $a ( 0 .. $#config ) {
        foreach my $b ( 0 .. $#config ) {
            $tab_h{"$a-$b"} = $cm->start();
            unless ( $tab_h{"$a-$b"} ) {
                my $blastreport_scratch = "$scratch/$a-$b.blastout.gz";
                print STDERR "# make blast report $blastreport_scratch\n";
                my $jobid = md5 ( "$scratch/$a.fsa" , "$scratch/$b.fsa" ) ;
                system "/usr/biotools/indirect/cacher --id='$jobid' --source='$cache_source' -action get > $blastreport_scratch";
                if ( $? != 0 or $clean ) {
                    print STDERR "# jobid $jobid not in cache - redoing\n";
                    system "$BLASTALL -F 0 -i $scratch/$a.fsa -p blastp -e 1e-5 -m 7 -d $scratch/$b.fsa | perl $TIGRCUT | gawk '{print \$1\"\\t\"\$2}' | gzip > $blastreport_scratch";
                    system "/usr/biotools/indirect/cacher --id='$jobid' --source='$cache_source' -action put -expire 100 < $blastreport_scratch";
                } else {
                    print STDERR "# fetched jobid $jobid from cache\n";
                my $waiting = ($#config+1)**2;
                foreach my $a ( 0 .. $#config ) {
                    foreach my $b ( 0 .. $#config ) {
                        $waiting-- if -e "$scratch/$a-$b.blastout.gz";
                print STDERR "# jobid $jobid finished - $waiting left\n";

sub make_blastdbs {
    my @config = @_;
    foreach my $id ( 0 .. $#config ) {
        my $target = $config[$id]->{target};
        print STDERR "# building blast database '$target.psq'\n";
        system "$FORMATDB -i $target -p T -t $id";

sub prepare_fasta {
    my @config = @_;
    foreach my $id ( 0 .. $#config ) {
        my ($nprot,$skipped,$checksum) = fasta2fasta( $config[$id]->{source} , "$scratch/$id.fsa");
        warn "# prepare_fasta(): nprot=$nprot, skipped=$skipped\n";
        $config[$id]->{target} = "$scratch/$id.fsa";
        $config[$id]->{'total genes'} = $nprot;
        $config[$id]->{skipped} = $skipped;
        $config[$id]->{checksum} = $checksum;
        die "nprot == 0 for $config[$id]->{source}\n" if $nprot == 0;
    return @config;

sub fasta2fasta {
    my ($input,$output) = @_;
    my $temp = "$output.temp.raw";
    my $nprot = 0;
    my $skipped = 0;
    open RAW , "| saco_convert -I fasta -O raw | sort > $temp" or die $!;
    open FASTA , $input;
    while (<FASTA>) {
        print RAW;
    close FASTA;
    close RAW;
    my $checksum = md5 ( $temp ) ;
    open FASTA , "| saco_convert -I tab -O fasta > $output";
    open TAB , $temp or die $!;
    while (<TAB>) {
        if ( ! /^([A-Za-z]+)/ ) {
        print FASTA "$checksum.$nprot\t$1\n";
    close FASTA;
    close TAB;
    unlink $temp;
    return ($nprot,$skipped,$checksum);

sub md5 {
    my @files = @_;
    my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
    foreach my $file (@files) {
        open(FILE, $file) or die "Can't open '$file': $!";
        while (<FILE>) {
    return $md5->hexdigest;

sub parse_config {
    my @config;

    while ( <> ) {
        next if /^#/;
        my ($description,$source) = split /\t/;
        warn "# description=$description, source=$source\n";
        my $id = $#config + 1;
        ( $config[$id]->{description} , $config[$id]->{source} , $config[$id]->{id} ) = ( $description , $source , $id );

    return @config;

sub group {
    my @config = @_;
    foreach my $id (0 .. $#config) {
        open GRP , "| perl /usr/biotools/indirect/group > $scratch/group_$id.dat";
        foreach my $x (0 .. $id) {
            foreach my $y (0 .. $id) {
                foreach my $z ($x , $y) {
                    foreach my $n ( 1 .. $config[$z]->{'total genes'} ) {
                        print GRP $config[$z]->{checksum}.".$n\n";
                open BLASTOUT , "gunzip -c $scratch/$x-$y.blastout.gz |";
                while (<BLASTOUT>) {
                    print GRP $_;
                close BLASTOUT;
        close GRP;

sub pan_genome {
    my @config = @_;
    foreach my $id (0 .. $#config) {
        $config[$id]->{'pan genome'} = 0;
        open GRP , "$scratch/group_$id.dat";
        while (<GRP>) {
            $config[$id]->{'pan genome'}++;
        close GRP;
    return @config;

sub core_genome {
    my @config = @_;
    foreach my $id (0 .. $#config) {
        $config[$id]->{'core genome'} = 0;
        open GRP , "$scratch/group_$id.dat";
        while (<GRP>) {
            my ($group_id,$count,@members) = split /\t/;
            my %repr;
            foreach (@members) {
                next unless /^(.*)\.(.*)/;
                $repr{$1} = 1;
            $config[$id]->{'core genome'}++ if scalar ( keys %repr ) == $id + 1;
        close GRP;
    return @config;

sub new_genes {
    my @config = @_;
foreach my $a ( 0 .. $#config ) {
        my %HITS;
        $config[$a]->{'new genes'} = 0;
        print STDERR "# parsing blast reports (id $a)\n";
        foreach my $b ( 0 .. $a ) {
            open GUNZIP , "gunzip -c $scratch/$a-$b.blastout.gz $scratch/$b-$a.blastout.gz |";
            while (<GUNZIP>) {
                my ($q,$s) = split /\t/;
                $HITS{$q}{$s} = 1;
            close GUNZIP;
        open FSA , "$scratch/$a.fsa" or die $!;
        while (<FSA>) {
            next unless /^>(.*)/;
            my $q = $1;
            my $hits_in_other_samples;
            foreach (keys %{$HITS{$q}}) {
                next unless /^(.*)\./;
                if ( $config[$a]->{checksum} ne $1) {
                    $hits_in_other_samples = 1;
            $config[$a]->{'new genes'}++ if ! defined $hits_in_other_samples;
    return @config;

sub new_families {
    my @config = @_;
    foreach my $id (0 .. $#config) {
        $config[$id]->{'new families'} = 0;
        open GRP , "$scratch/group_$id.dat";
        while (<GRP>) {
            my ($group_id,$count,@members) = split /\t/;
            my $is_new_family = 1;
            foreach (@members) {
                next unless /^(.*)\.(.*)/;
                $is_new_family = 0 if $1 ne $config[$id]->{checksum};
            $config[$id]->{'new families'} += $is_new_family;
        close GRP;
    return @config;

sub make_table {
    my @config = @_;
    foreach my $id (0 .. $#config) {
        print $config[$id]->{'new families'},"\t";
        print $config[$id]->{'new genes'},"\t";
        print $config[$id]->{'core genome'},"\t";
        print $config[$id]->{'pan genome'},"\n";

sub plot {
    my @config = @_;
    my $tbl = "$scratch/tbl";
    open TBL , ">$tbl";
    my @keys = ("id","description","total genes","new genes","new families","pan genome","core genome");
    print TBL join ("\t",@keys)."\n";
    foreach my $id ( 0 .. $#config ) {
        foreach my $key (@keys) {
            print TBL $config[$id]->{$key},"\t";
    print TBL "\n";
    close TBL;
    open R , "| /usr/bin/R --vanilla > /dev/null";
    print R "
layout( matrix(c(1,2), 1, 2, byrow = TRUE),widths=c(0.5,0.5))
data <- read.table('$tbl',skip=1,sep='\t',dec='.',header=FALSE);
tN <- data[,3]
r <- barplot(x,beside=TRUE,cex.names=$cex,names.arg=as.vector(data[,1])+1,ylim=c(0,1.3*max(data[,6])))
lines(r[2,], type='b', data[,7], col='red', lwd=4)
lines(r[2,], type='b', data[,6], col='blue', lwd=4)
legend(1,1.3*max(data[,6]),c('New genes','New gene families','Core genome','Pan genome'),col=c('darkgray','lightgray','red','blue'), lwd=c(4,4,4,4))
for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
 text(0,-i*0.6, adj=0,paste(i,': ',data[i,2]),cex=$cex)
    close R;
    system "cat $scratch/ps";


    coregenome - derive core-/pan genome as well as count new genes/families in
    a list of genomes/samples

    perl pancoreplot [-cpu N] [-clean] list

    coregenome reads a list from STDIN, defining the proteomes to be compared.
    The order of the list indicate in what order the genomes will appear in the
    plot. Each line must contain a description and data source, separated by
    tab. Example:

    Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni NCTC 11168    saco_extract -t -I genbank -O fasta /home/projects/pfh/genomes/data/AL111168/AL111168.gbk |
    Campylobacter jejuni RM1221    saco_extract -t -I genbank -O fasta /home/projects/pfh/genomes/data/CP000025/CP000025.gbk |
    Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus 82-40    saco_extract -t -I genbank -O fasta /home/projects/pfh/genomes/data/CP000487/CP000487.gbk |
    Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni 81-176    saco_extract -t -I genbank -O fasta /home/projects/pfh/genomes/data/CP000538/CP000538.gbk |
    Campylobacter jejuni subsp. doylei 269.97    saco_extract -t -I genbank -O fasta /home/projects/pfh/genomes/data/CP000768/CP000768.gbk |
    Campylobacter curvus 525.92    saco_extract -t -I genbank -O fasta /home/projects/pfh/genomes/data/CP000767/CP000767.gbk |
    Campylobacter hominis ATCC BAA-381    saco_extract -t -I genbank -O fasta /home/projects/pfh/genomes/data/CP000776/CP000776.gbk |
    Campylobacter concisus 13826    saco_extract -t -I genbank -O fasta /home/projects/pfh/genomes/data/CP000792/CP000792.gbk |
    Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni 81116    saco_extract -t -I genbank -O fasta /home/projects/pfh/genomes/data/CP000814/CP000814.gbk |

    Note that the above exampe does not specify files as the data source, rather a command to obtain the data (tailing pipe is important)

    Each proteome is blasted against all previous proteoms in the list. All
    blast results are kept in the directory './cache', and the naming is
    derived based in MD5 checksums of the raw proteins sequences. Example:

    GenomeA    A.fsa
    GenomeB    B.fsa
    GenomeC    C.fsa

        Providing the list as above will cause all proteoms to be BLAST againast all.

    The program will for each proteome X calculate the follwing:

    - Number of proteins observed in X
    - Number of new genes observed in genome in X compared to 0 .. (X-1)
    - Number of new gene families observed in genome in X compared to 0 .. (X-1)
    - Size of pan genome at genome X
    - Size of core genome at genome X

    The program assumes two proteins being similar if the aligment identified by
    BLASTP (evalue <= 1e-5) spans 50% or more of the longest of the sequence AND
    that 50% of the residues are conserved within the alignment. Only the reciprocal match
    is considered.

       Ignores existing and cached results and regenerates the blast reports

    -cpu <N>
       Specify how many BLAST searches run in parallel.

    -table <filename>
       Specify the filename to which the result table will be written
    This version (2.2, November 27, 2008) replaces all older versions of coregenome as older version had known bugs.

    mysql -B -N -e "select genbank,concat('saco_extract -t -I genbank -O fasta \
      /home/projects/pfh/genomes/data/',genbank,'/',genbank,'.gbk |') from pfh_public.genbank_complete_seq as s , \
      pfh_public.genbank_complete_prj as p where = and p.organism_name like 'campy%' \
      and genbank not like 'genome%' and segment_name like 'chromo%' order by released" | \
      perl coregenome-2.2 -cpu 10 >

    Peter Fischer Hallin,